Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The LOL Hoe-tel - Sexy Pornographic Parody of the Classic Blog

I just talked with a man who sells sex toys to chains around the world while he ate a chocolate chip cookie.

On one hand, a very unique conversation that managed to actually stay civil.  We covered male vs. female employment at sex shops, the differences of European stores from American ones, the hilarity of bad porn parodies of some of our favorite shows (and yes, Palin), and for good measure, both mentioned our significant others.

Yay!  A conversation doomed to go bad went...reasonably!

I stopped the conversation while we were ahead to keep things from going...weird... by doing my actual job - the audit (it's that hour!).  Here's the funny part:

He called down for a wake-up call a few minutes into the audit and - get this - offered me a product sample.

How sweet!

How completely inappropriate!

I told him oh, no, that was alright, and he dropped the issue.  Can you imagine me walking out to my car in the morning with a sex toy/equipment/accessory?  Picture it.

"Hey, Wednesday, going home?  What's that in your hand?"
"Oh, it's just a dildo and some fuzzy handcuffs a guy gave me last night.  See you tomorrow!"


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